Tranquil News

Fall is Here!

It's hard to believe it but the calendar doesn't lie. Summer is over. The pools are closed, the days are getting shorter, the leaves are turning, and before we know it, the holiday season will be here!
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Summer Vibes!

Summer Fun is in Full Swing! Have you ever thought about how each season has a mood and feeling?
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Hooray for Spring!

It may not feel like it, but Spring is finally here!
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Special Announcement

Hope you all are off to a healthy and happy New Year!
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Feed Your Mind, Body & Soul!

'Tis the for long to-do lists and holiday stress! When life gets hectic, we tend to skip our self-care.
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Fall is here!

Life is changing as much as the leaves around here!
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Bring on the summer! 2021

In our home, summer is kicking off to a fun although busy start!
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